The people in Angel's neighborhood? Me, (her mom), Steve, (her dad), and two sisters, Natalie and Serena. We're having a ball with Angel in our family now! She's sweet, cute as can be, and full of love and cuddles. She is also fiesty, fun, curious, and loves to chase chipmunks! Her birthday is October 29th,2010, and she became part of our family on April 26th of 2012.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Life: Angel Style

Angel enjoys all of this snow way too much! She wants to be outside about every half hour. Hey, I don't mind giving in once in awhile, but I've been trying to get some work done around here! :) When I take her out, she runs immediately to the many snow banks around her play area. We've started calling her "Billy goat", since she likes to get as high up as she can, then jumps off like the goofball she is! She's also taken to digging as many holes as possible, "pretending" there's something in the hole and pouncing on it. Of course all it does is fill her face with snow, and I swear she is smiling when this happens! The other day she snuck up on an oak leaf blowing around, pounced on it, then carried it around awhile. I'm not sure where she gets her hunting instinct, but it's a blast to watch her.

Angel reminds me to have fun in the middle of my busy day. Her insisting to go outside only gets me out for a breather and a bit of fresh air when I need it most. She encourages me to run down the driveway to get the mail, then take an off-road way back to the house just for fun! She reminds me to play more often, and embrace whatever comes my way. It gets annoying sometimes when I would rather not take her out at that moment, but those eyes...I just can't tell her no! And so we go, climbing snow banks, chasing leaves, and taking time to play.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

A Dog Groomer I am Not

Ok, so still no pics of sweet Angel girl. Well, that haircut I gave her warranted a trip to the store for some dog grooming tools. Don't judge! :) We are trying to get her over her fear of the buzz of the clippers, so for now we are letting her hear and sniff them before we do the big event. Yes, a trip to a groomer would have been lovely. All nice and even, looking every bit the beauty she is meant to be. However, Angel is not so fond of strangers and we don't want to traumatize her in this way. So, today I am a dog groomer....well, after I watch the instructional DVD that is! :) Oh, and after I finally get the nerve to actually touch her with the clippers while it is on! And as soon as I can find some solid time to do it....ok, might be awhile until you see the new pictures. Ya know, she looks pretty darn cute with long hair...yeah, I think she's meant to be a long-haired dog after all!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Angel Notes

Miss Angel got a trim and a bath yesterday. No, I can't post a pic just yet....I cut her myself! This means I have to even her up a bit before I take pics! Protecting her reputation of the cutest dog ever, you know?

Not a big post today. That one was saved for my personal blog, which features a very special Angel story. If you'd like to check it out, just click on the "Mrs. Rogers' Neighborhood" link under "my other blog".

I just didn't think this was the place for such a long post. I hope though, that you will take the time to read and comment. It was hard to write, but I felt it would be helpful to share. Hope you think so too.

Blessings from a happy dog owner!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

We're all Spoiled Now

Angel's got a pretty rough life here. She comes in from the cold, lays under the table on my white rug, and I turn on her space heater. She loves to be warm! Whether it's stretched out in front of that heater or curled up in a chair (or in our bed), she is always looking to be warm and cuddly.

I used to be a perfectionist about my furniture, not allowing the dog to jump on it without a blanket at least. Well, Angel pretty much owns any piece of furniture she wants! She also gets lots of car rides and my pocket is always full of treats on our rides. She's always curled up on my lap or in the seat beside me, sometimes rolling on her back. Really? A belly rub now? I'm driving! Somehow, she always gets what she wants!!

And getting her was exactly what all of us wanted! Looks like we all made out pretty darn good!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

A Walk in the Snow with Angel

We took Angel for a nice walk in the woods yesterday. She ran for most of our 1 mile trip! I made Steve hold on to her lead, as we were trudging along behind her and I was afraid of her getting too far ahead. She was so happy the entire time. It's a joy to watch her run and investigate!

When we got back, she stretched out in front of her little space heater (yes, she is spoiled!) and went to sleep on the rug. Awhile later she joined us for a nice nap! It's fun sharing the day with Angel! 

Friday, February 15, 2013

Big Girl

We are so proud of Angel! We had Natalie's birthday celebration tonight with the grandparents and she behaved herself like the little lady we know she is!
 Saying Hello to Grammy L
Whatcha doin' Gram and Gramp R?
She is finally getting on to this "company" stuff. She still barks a little, but settles down with some treats after awhile.  I just love to see Angel happy in situations that would ordinarily make her nervous and scared. Such a relief to know she's feeling relaxed and happy!! It makes me feel that way too!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

My Angel Baby

 On Saturday morning, Angel was snoozing on a sunny patch of the couch. Natalie thought it would be funny to stick her bone under her nose to see if she'd wake up....
 She woke up, covered the bone with her paws sleepily, then decided it just took too much energy...
and went back to sleep, her bone safely tucked beneath her chin. Sweet dreams, my Angel baby!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Snow Dog II

I have never seen Angel this crazy. Insane, in fact, if that is possible for dogs! The snow started late yesterday, so she played in it last night while we only had a few inches. She was crazy then. But this morning....she went nuts! I think we got close to 12", so it's much higher than her back. Steve blazed some trails for her with the snowblower, but after awhile, it was no trails for her! She shifted into 4 wheel (leg) drive and went off road!

 Go Angel Go!
 Love this one!
 She's sort of smiling in this one! I think she was definitely smiling inside...

Every now and then she'd stop running and stuff her face right in the snow! I just ran with her and laughed like a maniac. She makes us so happy!

Snow Dog I

Angel is one happy girl today! We got a ton of snow, and she had a ton of fun playing in it. In fact, she had so much fun I have to split this into two posts! 
 If you look closely, you can see she is sticking her tongue out at me, saying, "nyah, nyah, snowed!"

She runs like the wind! (that's why we keep a leash on her!)

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Good Girl!

Angel and all her new "friends"! She is doing so much better when they come over. I think she is actually sad when they leave! It gives us hope that she is building her confidence and becoming happier every day!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Angel's Superbowl Party

Well, we're going for it! Natalie's friends are coming over tomorrow for the Super Bowl, so Angel will have more "practice" adjusting to strangers. I know that's what we've needed to do more with her, and I'm beginning to understand her more, making it easier each time. We bought an extra bag of her favorite treats for added help. It really is strange the way she is wagging her tail happily while growling so ferociously. It just gives us more proof that she wants to love people as much as they love her, she's just afraid.  I am so glad for Natalie's (and Serena's) friends, that they have such a sweet approachable nature to them, making it easier for Angel to accept them.

We're always excited when Angel hops up on someone new to give them a kiss. I hope one day she will greet everyone like that! Well, maybe not the meter reader, but you know what I mean!:) I will let you know how it goes!