The people in Angel's neighborhood? Me, (her mom), Steve, (her dad), and two sisters, Natalie and Serena. We're having a ball with Angel in our family now! She's sweet, cute as can be, and full of love and cuddles. She is also fiesty, fun, curious, and loves to chase chipmunks! Her birthday is October 29th,2010, and she became part of our family on April 26th of 2012.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Happy Dog Days

 Angel was off her leash for awhile the other day. This is how she chose to celebrate her freedom...lying on her back in the grass with a big smile on her face!
She's getting really good about coming when she's called and not taking off into the woods. Now...if a chipmunk teases her, there are no guarantees! She's a blast to have outside with us and will follow us anywhere, top speed, smiling all the way!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Lap Dog

Natalie can't lift 10 pounds or more, so we have to put Angel on her lap. No protesting from Angel at all! She loves to sit on Natalie's lap just like a human...on her tushie! Too cute! She is probably about 20 pounds or so now and right now she's sporting a very bad mommy hair cut. Sigh...I just can't get the hang of this dog grooming thing! She absolutely can't stand being brushed, trimmed, bathed, etc...and acts like she's being punished when you try! The result is a very bad-looking grooming job, a pouty dog, and an exhausted me! Oh well....she really is worth all the trouble! Even if she looks like a shelter dog when I'm done! :)

Angel: Dog Who Heals

 It has been an incredibly busy month or so. Sorry I haven't been updating about our dear Angel girl. Our daughter Natalie (seen with Angel on her lap) underwent major spinal surgery on June 17th. This photo was the last day before leaving for the hospital. Angel seemed to know something was about to happen. She was all over Natalie! It was incredibly hard to leave Angel behind with our nieces who were house sitting, but she did great with them, despite my worry and tears. Oh, did I say "tears"? I meant fears....:)

Here is one of the first pics of when we brought Natalie home. She spent 6 days in the hospital over 2 hours away. Angel was so gentle with her, sneaking slowly into her bed and making her way up to bathe her face in sweet kisses.  Every chance Angel had, she was by Natalie's side, keeping her company or licking her IV bruised hands. It was amazing to see Natalie's spirits lift whenever Angel spent this special time with her. Angel could get the most smiles and the most laughter out of Natalie! She said to me one day, as Angel sat in her bed beside her, "Every time Angel licks me, I get 1% better!" It must have worked, because we're almost to the 5 week post surgery mark, and Natalie is doing great!