The people in Angel's neighborhood? Me, (her mom), Steve, (her dad), and two sisters, Natalie and Serena. We're having a ball with Angel in our family now! She's sweet, cute as can be, and full of love and cuddles. She is also fiesty, fun, curious, and loves to chase chipmunks! Her birthday is October 29th,2010, and she became part of our family on April 26th of 2012.

Thursday, December 31, 2015

My Shelter Dog Rescued Me

Angel can't help herself when it comes to a basket of laundry! 
I found this one especially amusing, as you can see my "My shelter dog rescued me" tee shirt is in the basket! 
We have thought about getting her a basket of her own, but I'm pretty sure it's the warm laundry she is drawn to, and not so much the basket! 
What a funny little sweetheart. I love her so...

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Ferocious Angel

Serena was trying to get a cute picture of Angel last night, and captured this one of her mid-yawn!! I think this is the funniest picture of Angel ever! She looks like a ferocious wolf! 

We can't stop giggling over this...hope her crazy face makes you smile today! 

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Little Red Riding Pup

Oh, how sweet and cuddly she is...

Does she know how funny she is??
Natalie and Serena covered her up as she slept on the couch, and she just snoozed away happily! 
Little Red Riding Pup...:) 

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Happy 5th Birthday Angel!!

I can't believe it either...little Angel is already 5 years old! 
She has brought us so much joy and fun, and we celebrate her every day!! 
So today may be her birthday, but every day is special with Angel! 
Looking forward to many more years with this sweet fluffy girl! She has been a wonderful blessing in all of our lives! 

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Bed Warmer

Angel loves to curl up on my side of the bed at night while I get ready for bed. 
When I came out of the bathroom, Serena had her all tucked in, and she was snoozing away peacefully. 
She had a rough day of barking and growling at strangers, I suppose. When I try to reclaim my bed, she just groans and turns over on her back for a belly rub. Such a rough life for a sweet Angel girl. :) 

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Chipmunk Hunting 101

Angel just can't seem to get that sneaky chipmunk to come out of the woodpile, so Natalie tried to show her how to "hunt". Talk about a hilarious sight! 

Natalie kept running around to one side of the pile, and telling Angel to stay on the other side. Meanwhile, Natalie would make tapping noises to try to get the chipmunk to come out. Angel would start crying, thinking it was the chipmunk making the noises! She ran around that woodpile so many times, and at one point, the chipmunk escaped to another woodpile right under her nose and she missed it!! 
Even with Natalie's strategic hunting instruction, I'm afraid Angel is just meant to be cute. She's just not a hunter! 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

It's a Dog's Life for Angel

Enjoying a fireside moment with Angel

A nice evening walk in the woods behind the house

A little snooze among the laundry before I could get it put away

She sure does have a rough life!! 

Monday, August 24, 2015

Angel: My Biggest Fan

Angel will sit in, on, or under pretty much anything, just to be near me. 
Honestly, I feel so honored to receive such devotion. She appears to be trapped in the base of the barstool, but she in fact, was free to move as she pleased! 

There are times I discourage her from her passionate fandom following of me, one of them being under the kitchen stove when I am cooking. She does "help with dishes" now and then, but since she dislikes baths, she doesn't like dish baths either! 
I'm not surprised at all that her breed is known both for an entertainment and a companion dog. She has definitely lived up to her description. 
And as my biggest fan, she makes sure to always warm my bed for me! Haha! 

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Green Bean Angel

Angel loves green bean picking day! She gets so excited when she sees us get the basket out. She waits a little impatiently for one of us to toss her a green bean, then she runs after it, eats it, and happily comes back for more. She is quite a happy gardener! 

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Hunter or Entertainer?

Will Angel ever catch that chirping chipmunk that runs back and forth from the grill to the pool pump? 
We're thinking not. But she sure likes to sit there and wait!! 

She's funny as can be, sitting there watching. The chipmunk outsmarts her every time, running from the grill, then doubling back after she runs after it. She has no idea where it is! 
Okay, so she's not a great hunter, but an entertainer?? She's the best! 

Monday, July 6, 2015

Fishing Buddies

Natalie caught a fish and Angel was quite interested in it, even when it flipped around on the pole! But by the time I was able to get a picture, she was quite bored and walked right by that fish, giving it no attention at all. 

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Adventurous Angel

Angel's official first time at a beach was last year, and she didn't like it at all! 
This year, we drove out to the point in Traverse City and took her with us and tried it again. Let's just let the pictures tell her story. 
After she barked at a few people, excited barks, actually, she did zoomies on the beach!! 
She still doesn't like the water but wasn't as afraid to go near it. 

We were in Leland to watch the sunset, and Angel was quite intrigued by another dog that was swimming there. Maybe it will give her some courage? :)  
As we left Van's Beach, she was lifting her paws and looking a little distressed, so I carried her 26 pound fluffy body up the sandy hills back to the grassy area. She seemed very grateful. Maybe too much sand isn't good on the pads of her feet. 
Either way, she is a wonderful traveling family dog. She met many people in the streets of Leland, and only hid under a bench once when several children came too close all at once. 
She is loving her freedom at the lake and hasn't tried to run off at all. She goes with  us everywhere and is quite content to wait when we go in the kayaks. 

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Morning Love

Angel getting a morning massage from Natalie at the family cottage. 
I think she likes camping, but she's pretty tired from all the fun! 

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Angel in the Clouds

As I was sitting and enjoying the lake this morning, I happened to look up in the sky. 
What I saw was quite amazing! 
Look directly in the middle...
It's Angel and her puppies in the clouds! 
And up in the far left top corner appears to be a paw print. 
I'm an avid cloud watcher, and it's not the first time I've seen Angel appear in the clouds, but it's the first time her puppies appeared there too! 

Friday, June 26, 2015

Sweet Smiles

IHi everybody...I'm just so cute when I stare up at mommy and smile at her. She talks sweet  to me and I tilt my head just because it makes her smile. 

I bet you just smiled too, didn't you? 

Monday, June 22, 2015

Monday, May 18, 2015

A Couple of Clowns

What's a day without a few selfies? 
Oops! She photo bombed me! 
Hah! I got her back! 
We are clearly a couple of wide-eyed weirdos having a good time together! 

Angel loves to clown around almost as much as her humans do!! 

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Angel Takes Over

Im beginning to think all Angel likes to do is sleep! Oh's one of her favorite things to do! 
On my side of the bed when I'm trying to get in..
On the couch, so no one has a place to sit...
On the ottoman, so I can't put up my feet! 
And sometimes in her own bed, fast asleep on her own toy. 

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Sleepy Runner

All the new running around outside sure tuckers her out! 

And at night, she sleeps even harder...

Right across my legs! 

She's such a darling...whether she's running like the wind or sleeping like a baby!