The people in Angel's neighborhood? Me, (her mom), Steve, (her dad), and two sisters, Natalie and Serena. We're having a ball with Angel in our family now! She's sweet, cute as can be, and full of love and cuddles. She is also fiesty, fun, curious, and loves to chase chipmunks! Her birthday is October 29th,2010, and she became part of our family on April 26th of 2012.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Two Blessed Years

This picture was taken a couple weeks ago on a ride, but it reminds me so much of one of the first pictures I ever took of Angel. 

On Saturday, we celebrated her two year adoption anniversary! 

We remembered the skittish, scared, cowering little dog who ran and hid from us when she first came here. How I had to carefully and gently woo her to me and then finally got her to sit in my chair with me. We progressed to her sitting in my lap for hours, then napping with her wrapped securely in both of my arms. 

It took a day and a half to win her to me, and about 6 weeks for Steve, and now she is inseparable from both of us! It has been a huge blessing! 

Thank you for these past two years, sweet Angel. We love you more than we ever thought we could! 

Monday, April 21, 2014

Snuggle Bug

Angel and I have become even closer since my illness hit hard last month. I didn't think it was possible to love her more, but I do!! We are besties, and she calms me right down! In return, she wants for nothing! She is doing great off the leash now, so when daddy gets home she gets to run all over the yard. She's finally understanding that the woods are not for her! 
She's my little honey bun and brings me so much comfort and laughter. I thank God for her every day! 

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Gigi and "Dirty Piggy"

Angel - AKA "Gigi" loves her new dog run! We hook her up right at the door and she can run 60 feet out and 30 feet to each side. It's been great for us to be able to play with her without her feeling restricted, and to keep her from running off if we're all busy in the yard. When I come out to sit at the picnic table, she is more than happy to sit with me or wander around close to me. 

One thing we need to work on is her toy obsession! Every time she goes outside she grabs the closest toy and runs happily to the door. She has made it outside with two pigs and a squirrel so far! The others have been rescued and tossed back in the house. :) 
In this picture, she has "dirty piggy" in her mouth, squeaking away happily! 

Monday, April 14, 2014

Angel Smiles

Okay, I don't even know if anyone is still checking up on Angel, but I had to share these priceless pictures anyway. 
Angel loves to get all comfy in her bed and try to engage us to rub her belly. For some reason, Natalie is the only one who can get her to "smile". Last night Angel smiled so much that her teeth dried and her lip got stuck behind them! We laughed so hard we were nearly in tears! Oh my goodness, this dog cracks us up-such a hoot! 

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Always By My Side

I've been going through a health crisis for awhile now, and I could not ask for a better nurse than my "Gigi girl". I had joked about her being able to sniff out illness because she went through a time of never leaving my side. I would look into her beautiful eyes and ask her, "do you know something I don't?" I was kidding of course, but now I wonder! Did she sense something? She would come over to me and just sit on me and stare. 

After a series of in depth testing and more to come, it was discovered that I'm having some sort of seizure disorder. It has been very scary and uncertain, but having Angel close to me through all of my episodes and recovery has been so comforting. I had to pull an all-nighter in order to do a sleep-deprived EEG. She stayed up with me all night, that little trouper! 

I cannot put in words what this beautiful dog has meant to me. She's truly living up to her name. My Angel. 

Thursday, April 3, 2014

No Laundry Today

I sat down to fold the laundry, looked away for a bit, and well, there she was! Angie girl loves a basket of warm clothes-who doesn't? :) 
Okay, girl, I guess we'll rest a bit before we get at those clothes! 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Super Sacked

Angel was sleeping so hard last night. She just makes all of our hearts swell with love! This is a common sleeping position for a coton de tulear, so it may be why her puppies enjoy this position as well.