The people in Angel's neighborhood? Me, (her mom), Steve, (her dad), and two sisters, Natalie and Serena. We're having a ball with Angel in our family now! She's sweet, cute as can be, and full of love and cuddles. She is also fiesty, fun, curious, and loves to chase chipmunks! Her birthday is October 29th,2010, and she became part of our family on April 26th of 2012.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Stinker Dog

I should have taken a picture of Angel's latest mess, but my daughter picked it up before I could. Since I keep things picked up and the girls keep their doors closed, Angel doesn't have a lot to get into. That hasn't stopped her from finding a way to get in trouble. 

I had to be at the hospital early the other day, so we left the house at 7 while the girls were still asleep. Angel gets mad when we leave, so she uses that time to get into something. This time it was a large container of blank CDs for my computer. There were about 75 of them strewn all over the office floor and into the foyer. 

Sigh. I love Angel to pieces, but she's making me crazy with all these messes! And why is she starting now? We've almost had her for 2 years. 

Our last dog had separation anxiety too. She was also a rescue who was abandoned at the side of a busy road. She once ate the legs off my bamboo coat rack. I came home for work, hung up my jacket, and boom! There went the whole rack, chewed up legs and all! 

Hmmm...maybe it's us? Nah...

Monday, March 24, 2014

I just need a little spring

Poor Angel just kept giving me this look of despair as she lounged on the couch nearby. I would ask her, "what's the matter baby?" And she would answer by contorting her body and giving me a little whine/groan. 

She's not sick. She's bored! Every day she begs to go outside just hoping for a glimmer of spring! She comes back in defeated and disappointed. Each time she pokes her nose out of the car window during a ride, she snaps it back in with a loud, "I object!" Sound from her freezing nostrils. 

We need to get this baby some spring and soon!! 

Thursday, March 20, 2014


This is what I found on the floor when I got back from picking kids up today. I was gone for about 40 minutes, my usual time. Angel had nearly broken through the casing. In fact, my hands have black ink on them just from picking it up. This frustrates me to no end! I put everything up when I leave, close bathroom doors, never leave food or candy out, and she still finds a way to get into something. 

I need to get this girl figured out before she does something really harmful to herself. Just another challenge of having a dog who hates being alone. 

Friday, March 14, 2014

Constant companion

I've been sick most of this week and have started some in-depth medical testing as a result. It has left me feeling tired and pretty useless. It would be horrible if not for the sweet company of my Angie girl. She curls up beside me or watches me from her window seat, reassuring me that I am not alone. She is such a good buddy. Everyone needs an "Angel", don't you think? 

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Running Dog

Angel is still in great shape after her chocolate incident yesterday. Whew! But... Steve let her out last night and she tore off at lightning speed when she discovered turkeys eating at the bird feeder. She normally listens when Steve calls her, but this time she did not. She got put in time out for awhile last night! She has so much energy to use and I know this winter has been so tough on her. We are looking into making her a cool dog run this spring. We can't risk letting her run free unsupervised. The woods are just too tempting for her.
I haven't seen or heard any angelbaby updates for awhile! I sure hope they are doing well. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Angel : needing intervention!

Someone left the cereal cupboard door open this morning, allowing easy access to the chocolate chips. I came home from my daily school trip to find 2 bags on the living room floor, slightly damaged. I was relieved to find Angel was unable to chew through the chocolate chunks bag. She was able to get into the mini chips and it looks like she only had a small amount. I checked online and found a website with a chocolate toxicity tool. You type in your dog's weight and the amount and type of chocolate. The result was that she had only a mild toxicity and also listed the symptoms I should watch for. She vomited once but has been fine otherwise. 
The chocolate chips have been disposed of and new bags will be kept up nice and high. 
Angel has really been testing her boundaries lately, running off a bit, getting into the girls' rooms and backpacks, etc.., she is given plenty of play time, food, water, treats, bones, everything a dog could want. Why is she getting into everything all of the sudden? Separation anxiety maybe? It is just scary to think that if I hadn't come home, this story would be about something more tragic. I need to find some ways to keep her out of trouble or it could cost her her health. 

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Nyah Nyah Nyah

She might look like she's sticking her bubble gum tongue out at me, but she's really begging for candy, which I won't give her! She's a pretty cute little stinker. Gotta give her that! 

Friday, March 7, 2014

Princess of the Mountain?

Silly Angel! What are you doing up there? This made me laugh so hard and made me remember dear Sophie, who also did this very thing! Surely some of Sophie's sweet spirit made it's way into Angel. This made me feel so blessed today! 

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Crazy Coyotes!

 Natalie and Angel have their own crazy relationship! They always play weird games together, like this one! They were peeking at each other under the chair while playing with each other's paws! Natalie is so patient with Angel, tolerating her many licks to the face and meeting her belly rub demands! What a fun and crazy duo! 

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Miss Chievous

Tonight we came home to Angel licking a strange pink cap. She usually greets us at the door happily, but it was clear that she wanted to finish off her find-a little round tub of lip gloss. Ugh! Angie, you are so mischievous!!