The people in Angel's neighborhood? Me, (her mom), Steve, (her dad), and two sisters, Natalie and Serena. We're having a ball with Angel in our family now! She's sweet, cute as can be, and full of love and cuddles. She is also fiesty, fun, curious, and loves to chase chipmunks! Her birthday is October 29th,2010, and she became part of our family on April 26th of 2012.

Friday, November 30, 2012

To Grandmother's House She Goes

We took Angel to Grammy's for Thanksgiving and she did pretty well. We waited for most of the family to leave before we drove back home to get her. "Pee Wee", an aging dachsund, is king of the house over there and hasn't quite accepted Angel into his kingdom. She does okay as long as we don't put her on the floor! She jumps from lap to lap, chair to chair just to avoid a sneak attack from Pee Wee. He's actually a really good boy, but he kind of nips at her when she walks by, so we don't trust him to be a gentleman just yet. Grandpa has a special spot just for Angel, and she is getting so much better about loving on others lately!
Isn't she cute sitting up there on my Pops' lap??
Both dogs finally got tired of each other and climbed up on either side of Natalie, declaring an official truce! Natalie loved being the mediator and snuggler of both sweet dogs!

Snow Dog

Yay! We're back! I have been both busy and a bit under the weather. So has Miss Angel, poor baby girl! She threw up in the van on the way home from school on Tuesday, then again in the house later. She had a bit of the runs, but after a day of being coddled and babied, she is as good as new! Turns out she loves crushed ice, just like my girls do when they are sick. She's a good little patient! On the day after we got most of our Christmas lights up, we got a good plop of beautiful snow! We were so excited to see what Angel would do. I watched from the window as Steve walked her outside. She went bananas! She ran around in circles over and over, jumping around in the snow. She came in absolutely covered! What is it about dogs and snow...I don't know, but I love it!

Thursday, November 22, 2012


Angel, you entertain us, soften us, love us, keep us laughing, smiling, and celebrating. We love you so much!! We are all so THANKFUL for you and for Nancy, who brought you to us back in April!!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Guard Dog

Angel doesn't miss a beat. She always seems to know where I am in the house! I've even played "Hide and seek" with her, and she always finds me! We have a open divider wall between our kitchen and family room area, and everyone loves to play "tag" with Angel around it. We peek around one side, then run to the other, hoping she doesn't catch us, but she is so clever, she always wins! That girl LOVES to play, and I'm so happy because my family loves to play too. She provides hours of entertainment to our two teens, and for daddy too. She also has to make sure I'm always within her sight no matter what I'm doing. So if I'm on the computer, she is sitting in the chair nearby, keeping watch.
I've also noticed that she enjoys cooking, laundry, and washing dishes. At least it seems she does, since every time I try to do those things, she is right in my way! I have to laugh about the whole laundry thing...our laundry room is small, so there is barely room for me to be in there by myself, let alone Angel too. Sometimes she gets out of the way by climbing into the basket of dirty laundry. I just look at her and smile. Really, dirty laundry? You love me THAT much?? Oh, we would sit in dirty clothes just for her too! :) Hanging out in the kitchen with me while I cook has yielded some very good deals for her. She always gets a taste of what I'm chopping. She loves green peppers, hates celery and raw potatoes, and seems to know when I drop something! She loves to sit under the sink while I'm doing dishes, however, she doesn't like it when it "rains" on her. Oops. Anyway, I love that she's my little shadow. My best friend with four legs, and my constant loyal companion. I am never alone when she's around, and if she is out on a ride with daddy, the house just isn't the same without her.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Laundry Day

One night as we were watching a movie, I was folding usual, and Angel kept watching the basket. As I piled clothes higher and higher, she jumped on the chair behind the basket and looked inside. Next thing we knew, she climbed in the basket, roughed up the clothes and curled up inside. It was so cute! Now she waits for me to fill up a basket with clothes from the dryer and follows me to the living room. I guess there won't be much folding for me to do anymore! Now if I can just get her to lay on the dishes and the vacuum...:)

Her Name Should Be "Cuddles"

Angel was snoozing on the couch, as usual, curled up on one of the big pillows...
I said to her, "'re so cuddly.." to which she began to softly stir....
the more I talked to her, the more she stirred...
Until she talked me right into that belly rub!

Happy "Howl-a-Birthday" to Angel

We've been a little absent lately, but not for lack of stories! My computer connection disables me so much that sometimes it takes HOURS just to get to my post page on Blogger. Anyway, on to some fun stuff... Angel is doing great! She turned two on October 29th, so we had a fun little party for her, combining it with our family Halloween party. So, I guess we had a "Howl-a-Birthday" party for her! I decorated and made foods in a dog-related theme, making a ghost paper lantern into a puppy, and serving up things like mummy dogs, bones n' blood (bone-shaped breadsticks and marinara), "found in the yard" (chocolate clusters...eww!), "bones and barf" (bone-shaped cookies and pumpkin dip),kibbles and bits (chex mix), and tootsie rolls. (figure that out!)
Even the scavenger hunt involved Angel. Well, sort of! The clues were written on dog biscuits and put in little "doo doo" bags full of rolled up'll need to use your imagination! They were then buried in various places and had to be dug up and put together. Angel joined in on the party, wearing her glow necklaces and taking her spot right under the party table! That pup knows how to have a good time!