The people in Angel's neighborhood? Me, (her mom), Steve, (her dad), and two sisters, Natalie and Serena. We're having a ball with Angel in our family now! She's sweet, cute as can be, and full of love and cuddles. She is also fiesty, fun, curious, and loves to chase chipmunks! Her birthday is October 29th,2010, and she became part of our family on April 26th of 2012.

Monday, December 3, 2012


Angel is doing great and is as happy as can be. She's asleep on the couch nearby as I write this. I can't say that I am doing great today. In fact, our whole family is incredibly sad. I found out this morning that we will not be able to adopt Yofi after all. In fact, he has already been released to another family. All of my efforts to locate him and adopt him were futile. I had contacted the first shelter and simply asked if they could at least just let me know when or if he was being moved to another location. No one called, as I expected. After some information I was given prior to Thanksgiving, I was waiting for the shelter to contact me with the time and place we could finally come and get him. NO call came, and he was in fact moved, unbeknownst to anyone. So late Friday night I find this out, and I began crying, just knowing if he was moved, he was going to be adopted quicker than I could get to him. I applied for him anyway, trying to explain the story the best I could, letting them know that we were his intended family way back in October, but it was too late. So, that's it. We will not be reuniting mother and pup. We will not be able to take care of him the way we've been planning. We have puppy food to now donate to an area shelter. We have breaking hearts and I am angry. This poor dog that the legal system thought was important enough to remove, instead let him sit in a shelter for almost 2 months, while he sat there and got worms and fleas! The taxpayers of that community paid for that too. Some of those dogs were wanted and planned for by some of us out here and instead of making that a priority, these places did not care! These pets deserved so much better than this and for that I am just beside myself. Not only did the legal system let them down, but evidently, some of these shelters did too. I really can't go on, it will just get ugly. As angry as we all are, we do understand that everything happens for a reason. All I cared about was that he got out of there and into a home, and that has happened. It's just not ours. I wanted the best for him, and i hope and pray that is the case. It's just not with us. I understand that someone probably needed him more than we did. That maybe it just wasn't meant to be. Truth be told, it was going to be a financial stretch for us to get him and make sure he had all he needed. We were willing to make the sacrifice, but maybe it was going to be too much. Who knows. Life isn't fair, as we always teach our girls. It just isn't. And in this case, Yofi is making someone else incredibly happy. I can't be sad for that. I'm just sad for us. I just love Angel so incredibly much that I had already fallen in love with her pup. That's all. I just wanted to reunite them and give them both a blessed life and a fairytale ending. Maybe they will still get that despite the circumstances. And Angel really doesn't mind being an only dog. Believe me. She is the heart of our home and the daily blessing we all need. She loves us always! She gives us all she has every day, even with the sad events of her past. She's willing to take another chance, and that speaks volumes, even if it is from a dog's perspective! We will keep on loving her and meeting her every need, and that will keep us going. I am sorry if my words or the posting of this information causes undue stress to anyone, however, I don't mean any ill will. I pray that this post actually inspires my readers to act on the needs of the pets in shelters around them. I don't waste much time on yesterday and staying angry. Rather, I spend that energy trying to make things better. We can't go back, we can only go forward. Without the things we want, and sometimes without the plans we had in mind. Peace to you and yours this Christmas season.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Jami and family, so very, very sorry to hear about Yofi. I was eagarly waiting to hear about him and see him united with Yofi. It is hard to hear about the delays getting him with a family and the hard things he and others had to go through. It makes me angry too. I join you in believing that the best has happened for all concerned. I hope you will feel God's comfort. Have a wonderful Christmas with the loveable furball called Angel. Give her a belly rub for me.
    Cheers, Angela


"I know Love. I had a dog."