The people in Angel's neighborhood? Me, (her mom), Steve, (her dad), and two sisters, Natalie and Serena. We're having a ball with Angel in our family now! She's sweet, cute as can be, and full of love and cuddles. She is also fiesty, fun, curious, and loves to chase chipmunks! Her birthday is October 29th,2010, and she became part of our family on April 26th of 2012.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Happy Ending

Steve and I had to spend some time away Christmas shopping today, and that meant I had to leave Angel. I don't usually leave her for more than a couple hours at a time unless someone is home, so it is always hard on both of us. She is so attached to me and I know it stresses her out, and I worry about her all day. Silly, I know, but I just don't like to break her little heart! My dad (Grampa) came by to take her outside and visit with her a bit, but it still scares her when someone comes in the door when she's not expecting them. We can't even say the word "grampa" or any other name of a friend or family member without her "oofing" at the door! When the girls got home from school, Angel cried and whimpered to them for several minutes, making the girls feel so bad for her. They took good care of her until Steve and I got home as they always do. Angel looks at Natalie (the oldest) as a psuedo-mom whenever I am gone. She curls up on Natalie's lap (usually my lap) or will go to her (usually me) when she needs to go outside. I look at that as a blessing every time my girls step up and give Angel the love and time that I also give her. And of course, don't forget daddy, who would move mountains for her! When we walked in the door, Angel was overjoyed! She came to me first as she always does, but then soon went looking for her daddy. Do you know any humans that are ever that happy to see you? I don't either. And speaking of happiness....I am very grateful to the new owner of Yofi, who contacted me after finding my blog quite by accident. (I believe there aren't really any accidents!) As I expected and hoped for, he has a wonderful new home and a loving family. I was touched that she would want to reach out to me at all. After all, some of my posts were filled with anguish and anger, not toward the new family, but toward the ones who made the mistakes (and I don't know who they were). I can now look at these mistakes as the blessing that went where it needed to go. We don't always know how God uses us, and sometimes it seems we get the short end of the stick, but sometimes our short end needs to happen in order for someone else to be blessed. From what I've been told, Yofi is a blessing to their family and they are a blessing to him. And that is a blessing to us. I hope you will all join me in congratulating them and wishing them the best. This has helped me to resolve this and to put it in its proper place. Thank know who you are!


  1. What awesomely great news!!! That sure makes my day. Angel and her puppies would be an interesting play date for sure. Now you all can just relax and enjoy Christmas.

  2. Think I got my answers to posts mixed up and answered the one above here. Congratulations to the new ownwers of Yofi. I know he will be a blessing to them. He's quite a character and very smart. All the best to them.

  3. Thank you, Jami, from the bottom of my heart. I spoke with Yofi's mom this afternoon - coincidentally, the angelbabies' first birthday. I am comforted and deeply grateful to know he is in a good home, safe and loved. Thank you for giving that to me.


"I know Love. I had a dog."