The people in Angel's neighborhood? Me, (her mom), Steve, (her dad), and two sisters, Natalie and Serena. We're having a ball with Angel in our family now! She's sweet, cute as can be, and full of love and cuddles. She is also fiesty, fun, curious, and loves to chase chipmunks! Her birthday is October 29th,2010, and she became part of our family on April 26th of 2012.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Angel is Well

Sorry for making you wait for the latest update. I have not been well, but Angel is doing great! 

She is done with the antibiotic and special food and is completely back to her happy self again. 

I hope to be able to post some new pics of her soon. Thanks for the good thoughts! Angel is well loved by so many! It gave me so much peace to have that support. A special thanks goes out to our. Coton Facebook group who gave us lots of love and advice all weekend too! 

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Update #1

Angel is doing better today. Daddy bought her a new green lamby yesterday and it perked her right up! 

She still seems to have a sore bum, but the temperature is much better and she is eating, drinking, and resting well. 

It is so hard to watch sweet Angel not feeling her best! Because she's been a little slow, I trusted her to go off leash a bit today. Bad idea! She caught sight of a turkey and took off at lightning speed after it! 

Before I could say her name she was at least 70 yards away and not planning to stop! It was daddy's voice that changed her mind. Thankfully she came back, then remembered her bottom was sore and sat down in the grass! Crazy girl. 

She really is a sweet little patient, taking her medicine and allowing her temperature to be taken like a champ! She's getting lots of kisses and cuddles and baby talk as usual. She should be all better in no time at all. 

We're just waiting for her system to go back to normal, which means she needs to go #2! 

Friday, May 23, 2014

Miss Angel is Sick

Miss Angel is a bit under the weather today. I was so glad Steve was home today. She was having trouble doing her business outside so he tried to help her. He thought she was just having a hard stool, but we watched to see if she developed any other symptoms. 

She just wasn't acting like herself at all, and then she had a little bloody diarrhea. We called the vet and luckily they had an opening, and Steve and Natalie took her in. Good thing! She had an infected anal gland, which coupled with her extreme nervousness, caused her to have a high fever. She's home now, and she's not very comfortable. I think her little bottom is sore, and her tummy is irritated too. 

Poor girl...she is on special food and antibiotics and we have to take her temperature ourselves...oh boy. 

The vet thinks maybe she chewed on her roll hide bone too much and it irritated her system, especially since she doesn't eat stuff like that very often. She seemed to think she was fine otherwise. 

Please keep Miss Angel in your thoughts as she recovers. It is so hard to see her sick! I'll be sure to keep you posted on her progress. 


Angel and Natalie have a special relationship. I call them "littermates"! Natalie is always trying to mimic Angel's antics or sounds, or putting her own clothes on her. I suppose Angel gets annoyed with her at times, but mostly she seems to love her! 

As you may know, I'm struggling with an illness and I spend a lot of time resting. Angel keeps me company all day. When my girls get home, they love to cuddle Angel. This was a sweet moment with Natalie, and of course, Natalie was trying to mimic Angel's sweet face! 

I think she nailed it! 

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Shirts and No Shirts

Angel is not too happy about Natalie's obsession with putting clothes on her. Usually it's a pajama top, a sweatshirt, socks (yes, socks!). So when she came home from shopping last night with a "surprise" for Angel, we both cringed! 

Yes, we guessed it. Clothes! But at least it was a shirt meant for a dog this time and not one of Natalie's! I have to admit, she did look kind of cute! 

Not a great angle... Kinda makes her butt look big ;) She is actually in need of a haircut. She's all fluff right now! 
She climbed up in my lap for a snuggle, or maybe as a desperate plea for help. She knew I would be the one to rescue her from the shirt's clutches! :) 

 I later realized we were wearing the same college shirts-just different colors. And to top it off-earlier that day I had just gotten great news-a referral to the University of Michigan Neuroscience department for my medical issues. So, kind of a neat coincidence. 

Natalie put that shirt right back on her this morning, and when she went out to do her chores, I slipped it right back off...and hid least for awhile...;) 

Blessings to you! 

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Lettin' Loose

It's a dandy day to play outside! 

Angel got a little crazy outside on this beautiful Saturday morning. She even bit the head off a dandelion and tried to eat it. I stopped her. That's just gross! :) 

She's so much fun now that we can come out and let loose a bit! 

Monday, May 5, 2014

How Sweet It Is

Angel and daddy having a smooch...
Angel waiting for some cake! 

She just keeps proving how sweet she is!! 

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Foot Warmer

I'm not feeling my best today, but I have the best foot warmer in the world! 
This baby blesses my heart so much!