The people in Angel's neighborhood? Me, (her mom), Steve, (her dad), and two sisters, Natalie and Serena. We're having a ball with Angel in our family now! She's sweet, cute as can be, and full of love and cuddles. She is also fiesty, fun, curious, and loves to chase chipmunks! Her birthday is October 29th,2010, and she became part of our family on April 26th of 2012.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Dog Thoughts

Sometimes I wonder what that pup is thinking as she stares out the window! She doesn't bark at anything...chipmunks, squirrels, deer, turkeys, rabbits....she just watches them intently.

Maybe she's like me when she's inside...contemplative and relaxed, but when she gets into the great outdoors, she's on alert, excited, and ready to go!

Either way, she seems to appreciate doing whatever she feels like doing! And that makes me ever so happy for her.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

love my girl

We've been rearranging some rooms in our house and I now have my office back!! Even more happy about that is Angel, who loves that it has carpeting! I love that she has been sitting at my feet, snoozing away sweetly as I do some writing. She is my muse, my furry love!

We went for a nice long walk again today and she came home pooped! It didn't stop her from wanting to be outside even more. She really is an outdoorsy girl...just like me!

love that girl...just love her...