The people in Angel's neighborhood? Me, (her mom), Steve, (her dad), and two sisters, Natalie and Serena. We're having a ball with Angel in our family now! She's sweet, cute as can be, and full of love and cuddles. She is also fiesty, fun, curious, and loves to chase chipmunks! Her birthday is October 29th,2010, and she became part of our family on April 26th of 2012.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

An Angel Update: She's Still Perfect

 What a shame it is that it has been two years since I've updated on Angel girl. She turned ten on October 29th, 2020 and she is doing great. She is just as active and fun as she was as a puppy. I can't say she is over her social anxiety, as she is still tentative with people, particularly strangers, but once she accepts a new person, she loves them with a furry passion. She is my constant and faithful companion as she has been since day one. 

She has taken to howling when she is left alone, even for a short time, which breaks my heart. She seems to have developed some separation anxiety. As we are all home every day, I guess she is used to having us here, and even when one person leaves, she is really only happy when the whole family is united again. She really is a family-loving dog. She still hates baths, being brushed or combed, being trimmed, going to the vet, and hearing buzzers. We do everything in our power to make her comfortable, so no game shows, basketball games on mute, and we tell anyone who babysits her that she is spoiled and it's her house. Ha ha 

She still loves to run free and is still as fast as ever. She's smart and has learned so many words that we've had to start spelling around her! She's entertaining, somehow knowing when I need a laugh, and will flop down on the floor, roll over on her back and just stare at me, waiting for her belly rub. She loves to jump up on a freshly made bed and mess up the blankets and throw off the pillows. She will do the same to the couch! She loves a little ice cream in a tiny bowl and just won't understand if someone is eating ice cream without her. If I say the word "bath", she runs and hides. She is a tender heart, so she does get her feelings hurt easily, and we are very careful to not tease her too much. She still loves stuffed squeaky toys the most, and has a giant basket full of them, which she loves to empty frequently. We often find them in the garage or outside. 

What a gift and a blessing Angel is to our lives and we all enjoy her funny quirks and her fluffy cuddles. She is the most expressive dog I've ever had in my life, seeming to know what I'm saying and feeling. She is loving the snow right now and loves to barrel through it, coming up with a snoutful and it just seems to energize her somehow. When she comes in, we let her lay in front of a space heater to warm up. Yes, she's that dog. 

Thanks for catching up with me. Life doesn't permit a weekly blog post, but with the world being as it is, I realize we need more animals and less chaos! Leave a comment and let me know about your pet or if you're one of Angel's pups' parents!