The people in Angel's neighborhood? Me, (her mom), Steve, (her dad), and two sisters, Natalie and Serena. We're having a ball with Angel in our family now! She's sweet, cute as can be, and full of love and cuddles. She is also fiesty, fun, curious, and loves to chase chipmunks! Her birthday is October 29th,2010, and she became part of our family on April 26th of 2012.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Mom! Look!

The girls are always trying to win Angel over, but let's face it, I'm the favorite around here! The girls try to sneak her up to bed at night, but it's not long and she's running back down the stairs to find me. It drives them crazy! On movie night, Angel sits on a pillow on my lap and gets all hunkered down. The girls have tried the pillow thing to no avail. It's just not the same without mommy apparently! She will sit or lay anywhere I go, but the girls have to coax her with treats to get her to jump on the couch with them or sit anywhere else with them for that matter.

Well, the other day Natalie was tired out and was resting on the couch. I had been sitting in the kitchen, Angel at my feet. Suddenly, she calls out, "Mom! Look!" I turned to see such a cute little sight. Angel had decided Natalie looked pretty cozy and curled up beside her on the couch! She didn't just stay for a few minutes like usual. She stayed for a really long time, making Natalie so very happy.

I do enjoy being the favorite, of course. I love that Angel will go out of her way to find me, even searching from room to room at top speed. I love that of all the laps in the house, she chooses mine. I love that no matter what I'm doing, she will make herself a part of it somehow. She is my constant loyal companion and I just adore her.

But hearing "Mom! Look!" warmed my heart as well, and I hope with time Angel will choose them just a little bit more. Just maybe not too much. :)

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"I know Love. I had a dog."