The people in Angel's neighborhood? Me, (her mom), Steve, (her dad), and two sisters, Natalie and Serena. We're having a ball with Angel in our family now! She's sweet, cute as can be, and full of love and cuddles. She is also fiesty, fun, curious, and loves to chase chipmunks! Her birthday is October 29th,2010, and she became part of our family on April 26th of 2012.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Sunshine, Rainbows and Angel

Still no pics, sorry! Today I had a friend and her two kids over to swim. They were warned about Angel's personality and so they were prepared when they came. Well, no preparation would have been good enough! Angel was absolutely stinky with all of them, although they were perfectly patient and understanding with her. She just refused to be polite altogether, growling and barking the ENTIRE time they were here. I felt so bad for them, as they were just being so sweet to her. I tried everything and nothing worked. At one point I had to run into the house and when I did, I slipped in a very big puddle of Angel pee....something she rarely, if ever, does in the house. She was clearly terrified, and it was so sad. These are some of the nicest people I know and she was scared to death. It just wasn't a great day for either of us, although I loved having my guests here. I either had to hold her to get her to stop barking or put her in the house, where she barked and jumped on the door the whole time. I love her dearly, but I have to say, this was our worst day. I felt bad for her, that she can't relax around people. I felt bad for my guests, who had to put up with that barking for almost 4 hours. And I felt sorry for myself too, that I really couldn't be a good hostess with all that craziness going on. Angel is one of the best things in my life, and it just breaks my heart (and my sanity) to not know how to help her and not be able to afford a great trainer to come to the house. I'm guessing we would need to do that if she doesn't get any better. So, now we're figuring out why she was in so many shelters. I'm sure it wore their patience thin and maybe affected their neighbors and families. Well, she's finally in her forever home and she's not going anywhere! Come hell or high water, we will figure this out together. She deserves a chance, and that's exactly why we adopted her in the first place. It's not easy to adopt a pet, but I can see even more where it is so important to do just that. They deserve a chance and all the love in the world. They need someone to come along and say, "hey, you're not perfect and neither am I. Let's figure this out together". I hope more people find it in their hearts to adopt the pets who have issues and do what they can to help them out. At the end of the day when we snuggle up together, it makes it all worthwhile.


  1. I"m so glad that you choose her and are completely committed to her. I hope you find a solution to her fear of strangers. I hope time knowing your love will finally convince her she has nothing to fear. She deserves so much and I'm so glad she's found that in your family.

    1. Thanks for the kind words, Angela! we need all the encouragement we can get!


"I know Love. I had a dog."