The people in Angel's neighborhood? Me, (her mom), Steve, (her dad), and two sisters, Natalie and Serena. We're having a ball with Angel in our family now! She's sweet, cute as can be, and full of love and cuddles. She is also fiesty, fun, curious, and loves to chase chipmunks! Her birthday is October 29th,2010, and she became part of our family on April 26th of 2012.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Angel- A Toddler on Vacation

Eh, not the greatest picture of sweet Angel, but it will do. My husband and I were able to take a small weekend getaway together. Finally!! The girls stayed with grandparents, but because of Angel's, um, shall we say..., unique personality, we chose to take her with us. Did we really have a choice? I think not.

We drove up to the family cottage about an hour away, and while Angel loves to ride in the van, she must always ride on my lap. Sigh....We stopped about halfway up and bought her a plain McDouble from her favorite place. Hence, the extra weight she is carrying, I'm sure.

We arrived at the cottage around 8:00 ish Friday night. Angel seemed excited to be at the familiar place she had met over the summer. She was like a fish out of water as we attempted to unpack in the rain. Finally she made herself at home on the love seat while we tried to settle in.

At bedtime, we had her cozy little bed all ready on the floor. We even put her in said cozy bed...but she waited for us to climb in our own smaller-than-bed-at-home and then found her place right between our shoulders. Yes, we took a toddler on our vacation.

Angel, being Angel, could not be left at the cottage alone on Saturday when we decided to venture into nearby beautiful Petoskey. So, she went with us as we drove along the lakeshore, stopping at a lakeside park to let her run. And did she run!! She was energized by the sounds of the waves lapping the shore, and the wind blowing in her face. She was loving every minute. It wasn't until I reached down to pick her up for a picture together that I noticed her face. Somehow in her travels, she got a face full of little black thistle-like seeds.

So thus began the lengthy process of pulling out hundreds of little seeds from her long white hair. Again, we took a toddler on vacation! 

On Sunday we took a tour of every avaliable apple orchard/pumpkin farm we could find. And so did Angel. She didn't like being left in the car for short periods of time, but she eventually had to give in. We had to be strategic in parking nowhere near other people, as she just can't handle strangers getting within 100 feet of her. She let a few unsuspecting children know exactly what she thought of them. Poor kids.

For awhile we got her to ride in her own seat in the back, but she wasn't having it. She began whining and crying, something she rarely ever does. She kept jumping up on the fixed window, expecting it to open. So finally I allowed her back up front where she happily stuck her head out of my 45 degree weather. Yes, we love our dog.

And so it is with Angel, our "special needs" rescue dog. I hate to label her, but let's face it, she has issues. And because she has them, so will we. We had a fun weekend. I don't know if Angel did, but she doesn't care what she's doing as long as she's doing it with her family.

1 comment:

  1. Ah Angel - you are a toddler! Jami, I'm sorry but I had to laugh about when Angel climbed into bed with you! She certainly is a "special needs" dog. Yet your love for her is so awesome. Thanks for loving her like you do.


"I know Love. I had a dog."