The people in Angel's neighborhood? Me, (her mom), Steve, (her dad), and two sisters, Natalie and Serena. We're having a ball with Angel in our family now! She's sweet, cute as can be, and full of love and cuddles. She is also fiesty, fun, curious, and loves to chase chipmunks! Her birthday is October 29th,2010, and she became part of our family on April 26th of 2012.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

2024 Angel Update

 I apologize for the year between posts, but Angel likes her privacy! LOL She really is a "one family" type dog, and as she approaches her 14th (yes,14!) birthday and 13th year with us, we have been reminiscing about her time with us. It has gone so fast, and every year reminds me that we don't have forever with her. 

We are empty nesters now, and have been for quite some time, making Angel an only dog/child, and she has become even more protective of me. This has manifested itself in some new-ish behavior in her in the way of barking when anyone tries to hug me–including Steve and the girls! We really can't figure this one out. She just does not like anyone hugging anyone, and lets us know immediately, but it's especially worse with me. I generally put my hand near her so she knows I'm not going to tolerate the behavior, and also to protect whoever is doing the hugging from her, because I'm not sure what her intentions are! 

She has never bitten anyone, but I'm of the mind that we're not going to trust that theory, so we make sure not to put her in situations that stress her out. She's older, still has stranger stress, and her separation anxiety has gotten a little worse as she's aged. We try to make her life as comfortable as possible, adapting with her and keeping her safe and happy. 

She is still very active! She loves her daily golf cart rides. We built a small cabin on the property, so she loves going out there to help me feed the birds (chase the chipmunks out of the woodpile). Sometimes she gets bored waiting for me and she will start heading back down the trail toward home on her own! This is a no-no and quite bold for her, as she is usually stuck to me like glue. She always comes to my whistle and everyone knows she goes wherever her "mama" goes. She runs straight to the green beans in the garden and waits for me to feed her, as that is a special treat for her. She is so funny in the garden and her most "puppy self" when running around the yard with us. I said just yesterday that one day I will not plant green beans ever again because it will make me sad. 

She is showing signs of aging and slowing down, but for the most part she's pretty healthy for her age. We've kept her on high quality food and supplements for her joints. She still despises being groomed and bathed, so I will say that she looks every bit the wild woods dog that she is. Always messy and matted and running from the brush, clippers, and from the word, "bath". She would whimper to the point of pitiful during a bath, so we don't immerse her in water anymore. She gets a bucket bath when she's especially dirty. But if she's happy and healthy, we leave her alone, and so far, she's been good. 

She will be dressing up for Halloween again this year, but I can't reveal that costume just yet. Hopefully I will get some help with the pictures on my computer and I can post them. We dress up every year, and hers is always the cutest. She does not like wearing clothes very much, so we adapt the costume to slip simply over her back and Velcro over the belly. Is she spoiled a bit? Yes, she is. A bed in every room, blankets that are just for her, and the healthiest treats. She has steps to help her off the couch, but has recently decided they are too scary, so now we assist her off the couch so she won't jump. 

Her birthday is coming soon, and I will be sure to tell her (as I do every night) I love her, and that she is "the best little doggy in the whole wide world, oh yes, you are" and thank her for being my best friend. 

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"I know Love. I had a dog."